Passengers are advised to pack luggage in accordance with the regulations set in place by the Department for Transport, and the airlines individual baggage policy, to ensure their journey through the airport is as efficient and comfortable as possible. City of Derry Airport recommends that all passengers check identification and travel document requirements direct with their airline before arriving at the Airport.
Passengers checking in online are advised that it is their responsibility to ensure they arrive at the Departure Gate at the published boarding time, and are advised to allow sufficient time to pass through airport Security.
Gate Closure closure times for scheduled movements is 15 minute prior to the standard time of departure. Passengers must have their boarding documentation scanned prior to this time. Passengers that do not present before this time may be refused boarding.
City of Derry Airport recommends that passengers arrive at the airport no later than 2 hours prior to departure.

On arrival, passengers checking in at the airport are advised to check the flight information display screens to determine check in times and desk number for their flight. At the check in desk, flight tickets and passports/photographic I.D will be checked, ‘hold’ baggage weighed and labelled, and a boarding cards issued. Boarding cards are required to proceed through security and when boarding the aircraft at the gate indicated.Check in times for individual airlines can vary and passengers should check latest details direct with their airline before travel.
Hold baggage can be pre-booked online or on arrival at the airport. The policies on hand luggage vary according to the airline you are travelling with. Please refer to the Loganair (Glasgow), TUI (Majorca) and Super Break (Iceland) websites for full information prior to your flight. For passengers travelling with Ryanair (Edinburgh/Liverpool), please read the new baggage policy active from November 2018.

All passengers must pass through airport security control after check-in and before entering the departure lounge at City of Derry Airport. All passengers are advised to check with the airline they are travelling with on dimensions and number of hand baggage items permitted. Passengers are reminded that all items must be x-ray screened. All laptops and large electrical items must be removed from their bag and placed in a tray.
All medicines are subject to security screening and should be presented to a security officer prior to screening.
Medicines over 100ml, supported by a doctor’s letter will be permitted through security. If you do not have a doctor’s letter or any other form of medical certificate, a named prescription label will be sufficient.
Inhalers are permitted in hand luggage, however spare canisters must be placed in your checked in luggage.
You may also carry medication that needs to be kept cold, in a cool bag with one ice pack, as long as your doctor’s letter states that it must be kept cool.
Pacemakers, Medical Implants and Other Medical Devices
If you have a pacemaker or any other medical device that may be affected by walking through an archway metal detector, please ensure that you advise one of our security officers prior to security screening. You should also ensure that you have your medical card with you that states that you are wearing a sensitive medical device.
If you have a hip/joint replacement or any other metal implants in your body it is likely that you will alarm the archway metal detector. If this happens you will need to undergo a full hand search by one of our security officers.
If you wish for your hand search to be carried out in private, please let one of our security officers know and they will be happy to accommodate this. You may also take a travelling companion with you into our private search facility.
Insulin, Insulin Pumps, EpiPens and Hypodermic Needles
Insulin, Insulin Pumps, EpiPens and Hypodermic Needles, supported by a doctor’s letter will be permitted through security. If you do not have a doctor’s letter or any other form of medical certificate, a named prescription label will be sufficient.
Medical Equipment
If you have specific medical equipment that cannot be x-rayed please advise one of our security officers and they will be happy to carry out an alternative security check.
We would also advise that you check with your airline if you need to carry any large or complex medical equipment they does not fit in your hand luggage.
If you have any concerns, feel free to speak with a member of our security team. If you have a genuine medical condition (supported by a letter from you GP/Hospital or a named prescription label) please be reassured that there should be no problem taking medication and medical equipment through security.
You are allowed to take baby food, baby milk and sterilised water in your hand baggage. This includes:
- soya milk for babies
- sterilised water for the baby (must be in a baby bottle)
- formula, breast milk or cow milk specifically for babies
- baby food of various consistencies
You are allowed to take enough for the journey. In some cases this may be over 100ml. The adult carrying the baby food or milk may be asked to verify it by tasting.
One lighter per person may be carried on a flight. Lighters are considered to be liquids and should be put inside the plastic bag or screened separately. You must keep the lighter on your person throughout the flight.It is very important that you do not:
- place it in your hold baggage
- return it to your hand baggage after screening
Pushchairs, walking aids and wheelchairs are permitted in the departures lounge, but they will need to be tagged at check-in and security screened.Dangerous and restricted items: for details of items you cannot take on board an aircraft Click here.
Wherever possible you should pack liquids in your hold baggage, as there are restrictions on the amount you can take in your hand baggage. Liquids include:
- all drinks, including water, soup and syrups
- cosmetics and toiletries, including creams, lotions, oils, perfumes, mascara and lip gels/gloss
- sprays, including shaving foam, hairspray and spray deodorants
- pastes, including toothpaste
- gels, including hair and shower gel
- contact lens solution
- any other solutions and items of similar consistency
If you need certain liquids during the flight, you can take them into the cabin in limited quantities as follows:
- containers must hold no more than 100ml
- containers must be carried in a single, transparent, re-sealable plastic bag, which holds no more than a litre and measures approximately 20cm x 20cm
- contents must fit comfortably inside the bag so it can be sealed
- the bag must not be knotted or tied at the top
- each passenger can carry only one of these bags
- the bag must be presented for examination at the airport security point
Containers larger than 100ml (excluding essential medicines) will not be allowed through the security point even if they are only part full.
Any unattended items left in the security screening area will be removed and destroyed.